Associate Provost for Academic Effectiveness
(404) 385–2229

As Associate Provost for Academic Effectiveness at Georgia Tech, Loraine Phillips works with faculty and staff to lead academic effectiveness and accountability efforts. She interprets policies and influences practices for the Institute to various constituents, including accreditors and the University System of Georgia. She works closely with faculty and staff in new program development and authentic assessment practices, serves on Institute curriculum committees, and is a member and chair of the Executive Board of the Regents Academic Committee for Effectiveness and Accreditation (RACEA).

Phillips leads the Office of Academic Effectiveness, a team that includes employees working in annual program assessment, academic program review, vice provosts unit external review, surveys, and regional accreditation reporting. She has been at Georgia Tech since 2017 and earned her Doctor of Philosophy from Texas A&M University. She is a certified mediator.

loraine philips